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Ovchinnikova (Bubnova) Svetlana Vasilievna


Author Identifiers: Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index

Academic degree, academic title: Doctor of Science in Biology

Position: Leading Research Scientist of laboratory of systematics and florogenetics in Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS

Email: sv-ovchin@yandex.ru

Phone Number: +8 (383) 339-98-05

Research interest:

Systematics, phylogeny, carpology, palynomorphology, typification, Poaceae, Boraginaceae, Geraniaceae, Siberia, Asiatic Russia, Eurasia, Northern America.

Education and work experience:

1977–1982 – Novosibirsk State University, student of Faculty of natural sciences

1985–1989 – post graduate student in Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS

1990 – Candidate of Science in Biology, Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS (Thesis: The genus Puccinellia Parl. (Poaceae) in Siberia (systematics, palynology, chorology) 

2007– Doctor of Science in Biology, Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS (Thesis: The tribe Eritrichieae (Boraginaceae) in the flora of the extra-tropical Eurasia: systematics, carpology, evolution)

Grants and research projects:

1. “Taxonomical and spatial diversity of vascular plants of Siberia”, RFBR grant № 01-04-48988а (2003).

2. “Inventory and classification of taxonomic and spatial diversity of vascular plants of Siberia: analysis of endemism, phylogeny and rare species”, RFBR grant № 04-04-48493а (2004 – 2006).

3. ‘Publication monograph ‘Conspectus of flora Siberia: vascular plants’, RFBR grant № 05-04-62015д (2005).

4. “Flora of Asiatic Russia: structure, peculiarity, genesis” RFBR grant № 07-04-00877-а (2007–2009).

5. International supplement to NSF DGE-0841414 (GK-12 Program), Kansas State University (KSU USA; PI C. Ferguson): «Systematics and phylogeny of eurasiatic and northen-american species of genus Lappula (Boraginaceae) (2010).

6. “Scientific investigation of Shibanova A.A. from Altai State University, Barnaul, in the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, Novosibirsk: “Cenogenetic analysis of vegetation of terraces of Upper Ob”, RFBR grant № 11-04-90712 mob. prob. (2011).

7. “Publication monograph “Conspectus of flora Asiatic Russia”, RFBR grant № 11-04-07027д (2011).

8. “Digitizing Type Specimens, data sharing, and capacity building at the central Siberian Botanical Garden Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk (CSBG SB RAS), grant The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation № 41300650 (2014–2016).

9. “Selection of type and authentic materials, digitization and creation of the catalogue of type specimens of vascular plants kept in the M. G. Popov Herbarium (NSK) of the Central Siberian Botanical garden, SB RAS”,  RFBR grant № 15-29-02429 (2015–2017).

Professional memberships:

 Russian Botanical Society

Field research:

All Western Siberia (steppes), Altay, Taimyr, Khakassia, Tuva, Irkutsk Region, Burajtia, Transbaical Region, Sacha-Jacutia, Magadan Region, East Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, Turkey, Serbia

Editorial activity:

Member of editorial council in

“Novitates Sistematicae plantarum Vascularum”,

“Rastitelnyi Mir Aziatskoi Rossii (VestnikCentral Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS)”,

“Animadversiones Systematicae Ex Herbario Kryloviano Universitates Tomskensis (Systematic notes on the materials of P.N. Krylov Herbarium of Tomsk State University)”

Scientific-organizational and teaching activities:

Preparation of textbooks:

Artemov I.A., Korolyuk E.A., Korolyuk A.Yu., Lashinskij N.N., Ovchinnikova S.V. Biology (plants, bacterias, mushrooms, lichens): general textbook for 6 classes. Novosibirsk, 2002. 468 p. (in Russ.)

Artemov I.A., Korolyuk E.A., Korolyuk A.Yu., Lashinskij N.N., Ovchinnikova S.V. Biology (plants, bacterias, mushrooms, lichens): general textbook for 6-7 classes. Moscow: Prosveshenie, 1999. 228 p. (in Russ.)

Member of  Dissertation Council Д 003.058.01 of Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, 2013–present

Selected Publications:

Kupriyanov A.N., Ovchinnikova S.V. Review of theHeliotropiaceae Schrad. and Boraginaceae Juss. Of Kazakh Uplans // Botanical investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Kemerovo, 2017. Part 23. P. 30–42. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V., Korolyuk A.Yu., Kuprijanov A.N., Khrustaleva I.A., Lashinskiy N.N., Ebel A.L. New localities of the rare and endemic species of the family Boraginaceae in Kazakhsnan Republic // Rast.Mir Aziatsk. Rossii. 2017. № 3 (27), С. 51–63. (in Russ.)

Troschkina V.I., Ovchinnikova S.V. Pollen morphology of the representatives of family Geraniaceae // Actual problems of the modern palynology: Proceeding of XIV All-Russian Palynological Conference/ Responsible Editors N.S. Bolikhovskaya, T.S. Klyuvitkina. Moscow: Geographical faculty of  Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2017. P. 348–351. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Eleocharis parvula (Roem. et Schult.) Bluff, Nees et Schauer, Oxytropis tompudae M. Pop.,  Anoplocaryum compressum (Turcz.) Ledeb., Lonicera chrysantha Turcz. ex Ledeb.  // Red book of the of Transbaical Region. Plants. Novosibirsk: OOO “House of the world”, 2017. P. 36–37, 140–141, 179–180, 190–191. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Arnebia guttata Bunge , Craniospermum canescens DC.,  Craniospermum subfloccosum Krylov // Red book of the Altai Republik. Plants. Gorno-Altaisk: OOO Gorno-Altaisk printer’s, 2017.  P. 71–72, 73–75. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V., Nikiforova O.D. Keys for Defining Genera and Species of the Family Boraginaceae Juss. in Zabaikalsky Krai // Scholarly notes of Transbaical State University. 2016. Vol. 11. N 1. P. 17–26. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V., Nikiforova О.D., Doron′kin V.M., Vlasova N.V., Shekhovtsova I.N., Pinzhenina E.A. Type specimens for taxa of the Poaceaefamily in the collection of M.G. Popov Herbarium (NSK) // Rast.Mir Aziatsk. Rossii. 2016. № 1 (21), С. 48–64. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Chacon J., Luebert F., Hilger H., Ovchinnikova S., Selvi F., Cecchi L., Guilliams C.M., Hasenstab-Lehman K., Sutory K., Simpson M.G., Weigend M. The borage family (Boraginaceae s. str.): a revised infrafamilian classification based on new phylogenetic evidence, with enphasis on the placement of some enigmatic genera // Taxon. 2016. Vol. 65 (3). P. 523–546.

Ovchinnikova S.V., Korolyuk A.Yu. New species of the genus Craniospermum (Boraginaceae)  from Mongolia // Rast.Mir Aziatsk. Rossii. 2016. № 3(23). С. 33–40. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Taxa described by G.A. Peschkova kept in M.G. Popov Herbarium (NSK) // Botanical collection – the national inheritance of Russia. Penza, 2015. P. 127–129. (in Russ.)

 Ovchinnikova S.V., Probatova N.S. New species of the genus Puccinellia (Poaceae) from the Russian Far East // Rast.Mir Aziatsk. Rossii. 2015. № 1(17). С. 33–38. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V., Probatova N.S. Chromosome numbers in the genus Puccinellia (Poaceae) of Russia and neighbourimg countries, in connection with taxonomy // Rast.Mir Aziatsk. Rossii. 2015. № 2(18). С. 56–67. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Elisafenko T.V., Ovchinnikova S.V. Lectotypification Viola tainensis (Violaceae) // Rast.Mir Aziatsk. Rossii. 2015. № 4(20). С. 12–13. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Ovczinnikova S.V. Typification of names of three species of Boraginaceae // Novosti systematiki vysshikh rastenii 2015. Vol. 46. P. 164–170 with vkleika tabl. I–IV. (in Russ.)

Ovczinnikova, S.V. The system and conspectus of the genus Puccinellia (Poaceae) species of Asian Russia // Rast. Mir Asiat. Rossii. 2014. N 2 (15). P. 79-88. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Puccinellia bruggemannii T.J. Sørensen (Poaceae), a new species for the flora of Eurasia // Turczaninowia. 2014. Vol. 17. Part 3. P. 27–32. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.17.3.4. www.ssbg.asu.ru/turczaninowia.php

Ovczinnikova S.V. Typification of Eritrichium sachalinense Popov (Boraginaceae) // Novosti systematiki vysshikh rasteniy. 2014. Vol. 45. P. 57–62 with vkleika tabl. I–II. (in Russ.)

Kobozeva E.V., Agafonov A.V., Ovchinnikova S.V. Morphological and geographical differentiation of Elymus gmelinii (Triticeae: Poaceae) in the Northern Asia // Rast. Mir Aziatsk. Rossii. 2014. № 4(16). С. 15–25. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Ovczinnikova, S.V. The system and conspectus of the genus Anoplocaryum (Boraginaceae) species. // Rast. Mir Asiat. Rossii. 2013. N 2 (12). P. 79-88. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Probatova N.S., Kazanovsky S.G., Rudyka E.G., Seledets V.P., Ovchinnikova S.V. IAPT / IOPB  chromosome data 16 (K. Marhold, ed.) // Taxon. 2013. V. 62, № 6. P. 1358–1359, E 10–13. 

Ovchinnikova S.V. Anoplocaryum compressum (Turcz.) Ledeb. // Red book of Burajtia Republic. Ulan-Ude, 2013. P. 485. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Family Boraginaceae Juss. // Key to the plants of Altai Republic. Novosibirsk, 2012. P. 349–364. (in Russ.)     

Ovchinnikova S.V. Families Actinidiaceae, Penthoraceae, Saxifragaceae , Vitaceae , Rosaceae (except genus Potentilla),  Anacardiaceae, Geraniaceae,  Linaceae, Viscaceae, Cornaceae, Alangiaceae, Viburnaceae, Sambucaceae, Adoxaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Valerianiaceae, Dipsacaceae, Solanaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Boraginaceae (with Nikiforova), Hostaceae, Cyperaceae (genus Eleocharis), Poaceae (Puccinellia and 6 other genera) // Conspekt of Flora of  Asiatic Russia. Novosibirsk, 2012. P.  123, 179, 183–195, 198, 199–206, 218–226, 263–269, 271, 273–280, 370–371, 374, 375, 380–389, 460, 506–510, 559–566, 569, 571, 573, 574, 575.  (in Russ.)      

 Dudov S.V., Ovchinnikova S.V. Eritrichium sachalinense M. Pop. (Boraginaceae), a new species for the flora of continental Russia Far East // Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. 2012. Vol. 117. Bd 2. P. 82–85. (in Russ.)     

Kobozeva E.V., Ovchinnikova S.V., Agafonov A.V. Variation and taxonomic relationships betwwn STY-genome species Elymus pendulinus, E. brachypodioides and E. vernicosus (Triticeae: Poaceae) // Rast. Mir Aziatsk. Rossii. 2012. № 2(10). С. 87–93. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)     

Kruglov, D.S., Ovchinnikova S.V. The element composition of Boraginaceae family plants // Rast. Mir Asiat. Rossii. 2012. N 1 (9). P. 77–95. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova, S.V. Conspectus of the subgenus Pseudohackelia of genus Eritrichium (Boraginaceae) species // Rast. Mir. Aziat. Rossii. 2011. N 1 (7). P. 41-54. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Galina Aleksandrovna Peschkova (on the 80th birthday) // Rast. Mir. Aziat. Rossii. 2011. N 1 (7). P. 99–106. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. The establishment of the phylogenetic relationhships between the tribe Eritrichieae and other tribes of fam. Boraginaceae  with use of palynomorphology data //  Problems of modern palynology: Proceeding of the 13th Russian Palynological conference, dedicated to the memory of outstanding Russian palynologists E.D. Zaklinsksya and L.V. Rovnina. Syktyvkar, 2011. Vol. 1. P. 42–46. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Significance of the features of nutlet surface for the systematics and phylogeny of the family Boraginaceae s. str. // Carpology and reproductive biology of higher plants. Proceeding of the Russian conference with international participation dedicated to the memory of Professor A.P. Melikian (18–19 October 2011, Moscow). Moscow, 2011. P. 158–166. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V., Ivleva V.I. Studing of the pollen grains species of the genus Geranium for taxonomic purposes //  Problems of modern palynology: Proceeding of the 13th Russian Palynological conference, dedicated to the memory of outstanding Russian palynologists E.D. Zaklinsksya and L.V. Rovnina. Syktyvkar, 2011. Vol. 1. P. 47–50. (in Russ.)

Kobozeva E.V., Gerus D.E., Ovchinnikova S.V., Agafonov A.V. Taxonomic relationships between STY genome species Elymus ciliaris and E. amurensis (Poaceae) // Turczaninowia. 2011. Vol. 14. Part 3. P. 35–44. www.ssbg.asu.ru/turczaninowia.php

Ovchinnikova S.V. The synopsis of the subtribe Echinosperminae Ovczinnikova (Boraginaceae) in the flora of Eurasia // Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 2009. Vol. 41. P. 209–272. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Fam. Poaceae (Gramineae) genus: Nardus L. Fam.  Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) –genera: Macropodium R. Br., Megadenia Maxim., Taphrospermum C.A. Meyer., Aphragmus Andrz., Sisymbrium L., Eutrema R. Br., Neotorularia Hedge et J. Leonard., Braya Sternb. et Hoppe., Thellungiella O.E. Schulz, Arabidopsis (DC.) Heynh., Descurainia Webb et Berth., Smelowskia C.A. Meyer., Hedinia Ostenf., Redowskia Cham. et Schlecht., Gorodkovia Botsch. et Karav., Lesquerella Wats. Fam. Boraginaceae – genera: Argusia Boechmer, Arnebia Forssk., Lappula Moench, Hackelia Opiz, Eritrichium Schrad., Anoplocaryum Ledeb., Amblynotus (A. DC.) Johnston, Asperugo L., Craniospermum Lehm., Rochelia Reichenb., Rindera Pall., Cynoglossum L. // Illustrated Encyclopedia of plant life of Siberia. Higher plants. Novosibirsk, 2009. P. 118, 195–199, 295–296, 30–304. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. On the position of the tribe Eritrichieae in the Boraginaceae system // Book of Abstracts of the 5th Balkan Botanical Congress, the 80th anniversary of the publication of Turrill’s “Plant life of the Balcan peninsula”, Belgrade, Serbia, 7–11 September 2009, P. 25.

Ovchinnikova S.V. On the position of the tribe Eritrichieae in the Boraginaceae system // Botanica Serbica (Belgrad). 2009. Vol. 33 (2). P. 141–146.

Ovchinnikova, S.V. Conspectus of the genus Eritrichium (Boraginaceae) species in North Asia // Rast. Mir Aziatsk. Rossii. 2008. N 1. P. 17–36. h_ p://www.izdatgeo.ru (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Comparative-morphological SM and SEM study of nutlet in species of the tribe Eritrichieae and representatives of other tribes from family Boraginaceae // Contemporary problems of morphology and reproductive biology of seed plants. Ul’janovsk, 2008. P. 166–172. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova, S.V. Ultrastructure of fruits in some genera of the tribes Eritrichieae (subtribe Eritrichiinae) and Trigonotideae (Boraginaceae) // Bot. Zhurn. 2007. Vol. 92. N 2. P. 228–240. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova, S.V. Structure of fruit surface in some species of Boraginaceae family (tribes Eritrichieae, Asperugeae, Echiochileae, Lithospermeae) // Bot. Zhurn. 2007. Vol. 92. N 3. P. 365-377. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. The system of the tribe Eritrichieae (Boraginaceae) // Bot. Zhurn. 2007. Vol. 92. N 5. P. 751–759. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. The tribe Eritrichieae (Boraginaceae) in the flora of the extra-tropical Eurasia: systematics, carpology, evolution // Abstract of dissertation of doctor of science in biologia. Novosibirsk, 2007. 33 p.

Ovchinnikova S.V. The tribe Eritrichieae (Boraginaceae) in the flora of the extra-tropical Eurasia: systematics, carpology, evolution // Dissertation of doctor of science in biologia. Novosibirsk, 2007. 615 p.

Ovchinnikova S.V. Structural types of inflorescences and trends of their evolution in tribe Eritrichieae (Boraginaceae) // Proceeding of Conference on plant morphology and taxonomy dedicated to 300-th anniversary of Carl Linnaeus. Moscow: KMK Scientific Press Ltd, 2007. P. 189–191. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova, S.V. Ultrasculptural features of the fruit surface in subtribe Echinosperminae (tribe Eritrichieae, Boraginaceae) // Bot. Zhurn. 2006. Vol. 91. N 10. P. 1545-1556. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. The palynomorphology of the representatives of the tribe Eritrichieae (Boraginaceae) // Proceeding of 5th International Scientific-Practical Conference (Barnaul, 21–23 November 2006) “Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia”. Barnaul, 2006. P. 173–180. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V., Nikiforova O.D. Does Cryptantha spiculifera (Boraginaceae) grow on the Chuckchee peninsula? // Bot. Zhurn. 2006. Vol. 91. N 4. P. 580–583. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Key to genera. Genera Lappula Moench, Hackelia Opiz, Eritriсhium Schrader, Anoplocaryum Ledeb., Amblynotus (A.DC.) Johnst., Asperugo L., Craniospermum Lehm., Rochelia Reichenb., Rindera Pallas, Cynoglossum L. // Flora of Siberia: Pyrolaceae – Lamiaceae (Labiatae). Science Publishers, Inc. USA Enfield, New Hampshire, 2006. Vol. 11. P. 110–113, 145–173, 247–248, 278–285.

Ovchinnikova, S.V. The system of the subtribe Echinosperminae (tribe Eritrichieae, Boraginaceae) // Bot. Zhurn. 2005. Vol. 90. N 8. P. 1153-1172. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Notes on some species of  Lappula section Lappula (Boraginaceae) // Turczaninowia. 2005. Vol. 8, № 2. P.5–19. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Orders Saxifragales – Rosales, orders Cornales – Dipsacales // Conspectus of the flora of Siberia. Novosibirsk, 2005. P. 109-133, 161-172. (in

Ovchinnikova S.V., Orlov V.P. Craniospermum subfloccosum (Boraginaceae), a new species to the flora of Russia // Bot. Zhurn. 2005. Vol. 90. N 9. P. 1463–1464. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova, S.V., A. Pjak A.I., Ebel A.L. Novelties in the genus Lappula (Boraginaceae) of the Altai mountain system // Turczaninowia. 2004. Vol. 7. Part 2. P. 5–13. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Key to genera, genera Macropodium – Gorodkovia, Dimorphostemon sergievskaya, genus Lesquerella, index of Latin names of plants // Flora of Siberia: Berberidaceae – Grossulariaceae. Vol. 7. 2004, Science publishers, Inc Enfield, New Hampshire. P. 38-63, 99, 107, 238-247, 307-318.

Ovchinnikova, S.V. The system of the genus Eritrichium (Boragianceae) // Bot. Zhurn. 2003. Vol. 88. N 7. P. 76–87. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Genus Eritrichium (Boraginaceae Juss.) in Jakutia // Flora and vegetation of cryolitozona. Jakutsk, 2003. Part. 1. P. 111–124. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Analysis of geographical ranges and evolutionary trends of the species of genus Eritrichium Schrad. (Boraginaceae) // Proceeding of 1th International Scientific-Practical Conference (Barnaul, 26–28 November 2002) “Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia”. Barnaul, 2002. P. 119–125. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova, S.V. A new species of the genus Lappula (Boraginaceae) from Siberia // Bot. Zhurn. 2001. Vol. 86. N. 5. P. 133–135. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Palynomorphology of the genus Craniospermum (Boraginaceae) // Bot. Zhurn. 2001. Vol. 86. N 12. P. 44–50. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. About the polymorphic species Eritrichium sericeum s. l. (Boraginaceae) // Turczaninowia. 2001. Vol. 4. Part 4. P. 23–36. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Notes on distribution and evolution of the species of Puccinellia Parl. (Poaceae) from Siberia // Botanical investigations of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Kemerovo, 2001. Part 7. P. 8–13. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Genera Puccinellia Parl., Pleuropogon R. Br., Schizachne Hackel., Molinia Schrank, Nardus L., Enneapogon Desv., Arundinella Raddi, Eriochloa Kunth, Digitaria Hall., Spodiopogon Trin. // Flora of Siberia. Poaceae (Gramineae). Science Publishers, Inc.USA Enfield, New Hampshire, 2001. Vol. 2. P. 194–213, 220.

Ovchinnikova S.V. Genus Eleocharis R. Br. // Flora of Siberia. Cyperaceae. Science Publishers, Inc.USA Enfield, New Hampshire, 2001. Vol. 3. P. 18–24.

Ovchinnikova S.V. The system of the genus Craniospermum (Boraginaceae) // Bot. Zhurn. 2000. Vol. 85. N 12. P. 77–87. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. The palynological study of the genus Craniospermum (Boraginaceae) // Abstracts of the 10th international palynological congress. June 24–30, 2000, Nanjing, China. Nanjing, 2000. P. 128–129.

Ovchinnikova, S.V. New and critical species of the genus Eritrichium Schrad. ex Gaudin (Boraginaceae) from Northern Asia // Turczaninowia. 1999. Vol. 2. N 4. 11–24. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Key to genera. Genera Lappula Moench, Hackelia Opiz, Eritriсhium Schrader, Anoplocaryum Ledeb., Amblynotus (A.DC.) Johnst., Asperugo L., Craniospermum Lehm., Rochelia Reichenb., Rindera Pallas, Cynoglossum L. // Flora of Siberia: Pyrolaceae – Lamiaceae (Labiatae). Novosibirsk, 1997. Vol. 11. P. 99–102, 131–156, 225–226, 256–263. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Notes on the rare species Lappula balchaschensis (Boraginaceae) in Siberia and Mongolia // Flora and vegetation of Altai. 1997. Barnaul. Vol. 3. Part 2. P. 10–11. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. Key to genera, genera MacropodiumGorodkovia, Dimorphostemon sergievskaya, genus Lesquerella, index of Latin names of plants // Flora of Siberia: Berberidaceae – Grossulariaceae. Vol. 7. Novosibirsk, 1994. P. 43–50, 50–66, 100, 107–108, 231–240, 303–310. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. N 7156 Arundinella anomala Steud; N 7159 Puccinellia borealis Swallen; N 7160 Puccinellia kreczetoviczii Bubnova; N 7161 Puccinellia schischkinii Tzvelev; N 7162 Puccinellia tenuissima Litv. ex Krecz. // Sched. Herb. Fl. URSS. Leningrad, 1992. Vol. 28. Part 144. P. 5–8.  (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. The distinguishing of sculpture of anthers surface of siberian species of Puccinellia Parl. (Poaceae) with scanning electron microscope // Manuscript is deposited in VINITI 13.12.1991. № 750-В91, 18 p.

Bubnova S.V. Eleocharis R. Br. // Flora  of Siberia: Cyperaceae. Novosibirsk, 1990. Vol. 3. P. 25–31, 185–189. (in Russ.)

Ovchinnikova S.V. The genus Puccinellia Parl. (Poaceae) in Siberia (systematics, palynology, chorology) // Abstract of dissertation of candidate of science in biologia. Novosibirsk, 1990. 16 p.

Ovchinnikova S.V. The genus Puccinellia Parl. (Poaceae) in Siberia (systematics, palynology, chorology) // Dissertation of candidate of science in biologia. Novosibirsk, 1990. 253 p.

Ovchinnikova S.V. The study of pollen of the Puccinellia (Poaceae) species from Siberia for the purpose of systematics // Bot. Zhurn. 1990. Vol. 75. N 11. P. 1523–1534. (in Russ.)

Bubnova S.V. Puccinellia Parl., Pleuropogon R. Br., Schizachne Hackel., Molinia Schrank, Nardus L., Enneapogon Desv., Arundinella Raddi, Eriochloa Kunth, Digitaria Hall., Spodiopogon Trin. // Flora of Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1990. Vol. 2. P. 191–209, 215, 216, 219, 231, 236, 238, 239, 242, 318–325, 328–330, 337, 339–341.

Ovchinnikova S.V. The synopsis of Siberian species of the genus Puccinellia (Poaceae) // Bot. Zhurn. 1989. Vol. 74. N 12. P. 1786–1792. (in Russ.)

Bubnova S.V. On polymorphic species Puccinellia tenuiflora (Poaceae) // Bot. Zhurn. 1990. Vol. 73. N 9. P. 1330–1338. (in Russ.)

Bubnova S.V. N 6602 Puccinellia neglecta – N 6603 Puccinellia sibirica // Sched. Herb. Fl. URSS. Leningrad, 1988. Vol. 26. Part 133. P. 40–41.

Bubnova S.V. The genus Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) in Siberia // Bot. Zhurn. 1986. Vol. 71. N 10. P. 1401–1406. (in Russ.)